Thursday, June 28, 2012

The One Day Toddler Room Makeover

I have procrastinated for a year. I have wanted to paint a mural on Izzys wall and even penciled it out months and months ago. I bought the paint shortly after that and it has sat in my craftroom every since. But, yesterday at naptime I just went for it...


*hangs head* Aweful, I know. But, in my defense he doesn't sleep in here and rarely plays in here. Its more of an extension of my craft shop and a place we hold Izzys clothes.

One naptime + 10 painty fingers later (heheh weekly nail?):

After naptime:

Then he went to bed for the night and I painted his furniture to match: 

I painted his entertainment center, his bed and the shelves on the wall to the far left. I am really happy with how it turned out. Not bad for one day! Now I get to go choose some fabric for his bedding and curtains. 

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