Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trading Projects and Mohawk Hats!

This is what I made today!

I love making Mohawk Hats. I will work on writing out the pattern very soon. 

I made this for a new friend I met on Etsy. I admired her utility aprons while browsing Pinterest and followed the link to her Etsy Page, Aptos Beach. She sells some of the cutest and nicely made aprons that I have seen around. I send her a message and asked if she would like to trade for anything in my shop and she said yes! Yay!!! She opted for the mohawk hat above. So, now both are in the mail. The crafting community is a wonderful place. The apron I asked her for looks is in the same style as this one:

Except it is black with Royal blue and a pretty asian print. Cute, right?!

I love short, half aprons. Just something to keep on during the day. I am constantly in need of pockets and a nice place to dry my hands after washing them millions and millions of times. I don't like gathers or ruffles...they don't suit my body type or my wardrobe. 

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