Monday, December 10, 2012

Park Day and Christmas Crochet

Happy Holidays! We are full swing and its just lovely. :)

My husband is home on vacation this week and we are getting lots of very-needed down time.

I closed the shop to Christmas orders last night. I have kept up well but I have 25 hats to make in the next ten days and after that I am going to want to relax with some eggnog, I think. LOL I was going to ship a few a day but it soon sunk in how CRAZY that is. I am making them all...snapping some pictures and shipping them all out together. :) What was I thinking, 20 trips to the post office? *mumbles under breath*

The weather is cooling off here. Still sunny and pretty out, though. Which is nice...I cannot STAND it when it is overcast. In an effort to socialize my tot I am trying out a new moms club this morning. We are going to a park that is new to us and having snack and playtime. I will be working on a Hello Kitty hat while I am there.

Last night I bought Insanity...the workout program from Beachbody. I cannot wait for it to arrive. I got it from Amazon so it will be just two days. I will do some before/after posts. Everyone says its pretty tough. I love a good workout! My only concerns are my knees and ankles. They can get a lil stiff after a tough workout. *fingers crossed*

I hope this finds you all well! (((hugs)))

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