Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I went SHOPPING!! Hobby Lobby Haul

I have been away from the blog for a bit teaching myself to knit. It has taken every spare second of my time. Not easy...but I trust that it will be all worth it someday very soon.

But, today I splurged and hit Hobby Lobby!!!

I got a bunch of cotton yarn because my knitting practice is primarily sampler dishcloths. I like the multicolor so I can really see the stitches better.

I got pipe cleaners and safety eyes for my amigurumis.

I got a mix of circular and double pointed knitting needles and some other knitting goodies.

There are Valentine stickers and dinosaur toys and some mini craft cards to make art trading cards with.

I also plan to delve into the art of "Hoopla" so I got some embroidery hoops and floss.

Great trip!!! I am going to go play!!!

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