Monday, October 7, 2013

We are (finally) in Texas!!

I have so missed blogging. Since my last post we sold the house in California. It went to the most amazing young couple. I just loved them! We weren't sure that the deal would go through on their end but we gave it a try and the stars aligned just so. It was wonderful. We loved that house and our neighbors there. We are so glad that they will all have one another now.

We packed up a car, a truck and a tiny trailer and traveled from Southern California with our two boys and our two dogs...and everything we own. It took three days of driving through summer rains, dropped bags (we aren't big on boxes. We move with totes and bags). But we arrived on my brother in laws doorstep and got everything packed into a storage unit. They took us in for over a month and a half! It took a few weeks to find the house and then we had to wait for the sale to go through. Brother and Sister in law are angels. And their dogs are awesome. We had such a wonderful time getting to know them better. The boys just love them now.

My oldest is no longer homeschooling. He is in public school and just LOVING it. He never loved school in California. Not since 3rd grade did he love school. That's why homeschooling was such a blessing when we found it. But so far he is doing just great. So now its just me and the baby for one more year until he starts school, too. That opens up a huge new world of "what next" for me, too. The options are vast.

The new house!! Oh my gosh...we just love it. Its bigger than we wanted and sometimes that stinks. We are used to close quarters. Our last home was just over 900 square feet. We are used to being in the same room and hearing everything one another are up to. Hear we all have more space than we are used to. Two living rooms, two bathrooms and split bedrooms. We have slept with Izzy since he was born but he is now happily sleeping in his own room. Plus, my husband and I moved up to a king size bed from a queen. Even more space. It feels so weird!

The house is newer than our house in California. 2001. So it didn't need much work. But, it didn't feel right. So we painted the almondy-cream walls all bright white. I love bright white walls. Except the boys bedrooms. They are grey. We ripped out every inch of carpet and replaced it with vinyl plank. It looks like wood but it will hold up to our boys and the dogs much better. And us. The husband and I would be no picnic for a wood floor either. We left EVERYTHING behind in California so we got to pick out new furniture and appliances. Lots of fun! We have gotten all of this done in the week that we were waiting to have our internet put in. (Yesterday! *throws confetti*)

I have my craft area almost set up. Its all where it belongs...but not yet organized and usable. I will be DIYing some shelves. :)

Ten random things:
  • I got a haircut and I am not loving it at ALL
  • Izzy has been biting his nails and his little fingers are all red. Im thinking about trying that stuff that makes their nails taste bad.
  • Last month Izzy had TWO weeks where he was exploring tantrums. Tantrums unlike anything I have ever seen. But, we got him past it.
  • We went to Shreveport last week and met up with Joelle. We had the best time and went to SciPort. Izzy played and played. It was adorable.
  • The sky is just gorgeous here in Texas! Day and night.
  • I started a 9 day juice fast. Letting go of what no longer serves me and cleansing. Today was day one and its always the hardest day for me.
  • Errol joined the culinary program at school. He is really loving it.
  • My new neighbors are all awesome.
  • We got our Texas license plates!!
  • I recently learned that at homecoming time they have a tradition here in Texas. They call them mums. They are huge, decorative, glittery, embellished corsages with streamers and ribbons hanging from them. They are everywhere here! They look like this:
Yeah...I don't know them. That was a random google'd picture. But you get the idea. They get bigger, too.
Until next time!


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