Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I did a swap with friends and wanted to crochet something that was the same for each of them...with different colors to suit their decor.
They are each 16 circles in squares. I used this pattern from Manners Crochet and Craft. These circles worked up super fast. Then I just whip-stitched them together. My first attempt was the pillow on the right. That one I tried to crochet the squares together and I did not like the outcome. The two pillows on the left turned out much cuter with the whipstitch assembly.
I did a granny square on the back of one. The other two I backed them with felt and sewed it on with my machine. Fast and simple.
In the end it all worked out well and I really enjoyed the swap. The pillow I received are adorable. I will post them as soon as I get them stuffed!

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