Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weekly Nail

Turquoise with random buttery yellow polka dots. I used a toothpick.

I am loving it! Had a little chip on my index finger at the waterpark after hours and of lazing in the "Lazy River" at Soak City with a toddler on my tummy. But, it is a quick fix. There is something very magical about Wet N Wilds "I Need a Refresh-Mint". Just looking at it makes me extremely happy!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Make My Own Laundry Detergent

I love to keep busy and when I found out that I was stuck at home because I sent all of the cards off to work with my husband this morning I felt a little stuck. My to-do list was centered outside of the home. But, it turned into a really nice homebody kind of day!

I made detergent...

I adapted a simple recipe after making Mama Duggars recipe a few times. By adapted I mean that I have pushed the bill making it lazier and lazier each time. I am just waiting for this recipe to fail somehow because of my laziness. But laidback as I have gotten about it the stuff just keeps impressing me with its cleaning abilities and fresh scent. I use the same amount of it as I would any other detergent. I fill it to the line on the cap.

Stock Pot
6 c water
1/4 of a bar of Fels Naptha grated as small as your grater will grate.  (Walmart)
1/2 c of borax (Walmart)
1/2 c Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (I have seen it at some Walmarts...but I have to go to Ace Hardware for mine locally. Fortunately that box has lasted for over a year of making this recipe)
About 3 large empty detergent bottles
Warm Tap Water to fill up the bottles after you have added your detergent concentrate.

Put the water in the pot, turn on the heat medium/high. Add the grated soap. Stir until the soap is dissolved. Let it come almost to a boil. Turn off the heat. Add the borax and the washing soda to the pot and stir until it is mixed.

I then add it to my bottles using a glass measuring cup.

Top off the bottles with warm water straight from the tap. Replace the cap and give it a little shake to mix. Ready to use!

Some tips I have learned along the way...

1) I keep my bar of Fels Naptha out of the bag and package...the more dried out the get the easier it is to grate.

2) Saving money is great...but we use this because it is the best detergent I have found on my husbands CRAZY dirty work clothes. It doesn't get them back to perfect, but its the best they have come out.

3) I don't let it cure. And my detergent can be lumpy. But, the lumps have never given me an issue. But, *whines* the curing took over a day.

4) Give the detergent a little shake before you add it to your washer.

5) Some people use a bucket. I found it messy and the ladel kept slipping to the bottom of the bucket. Lots of dripping. I really love having my old detergent bottles to refill with this recipe. It makes ALOT.

6) We have the largest washer and at full capacity I still just use a cap full like I would regular detergent. Works fine.

7) We love the smell of this stuff! Without anything added. Felz Naptha is very pleasant and clean smelling. Not flowery, manly, musky, springy...just nice and clean.

8) If you are looking for a laundry booster for tougher than average load...just adding some Borax is a GREAT idea.

Ninja Kitty approves of the detergent 100%. She has been asleep on this sheet in the breeze of the window all afternoon.

Then I painted! I am loving reteaching my hands how to paint! I like to find word art I love on Pinterest and copying it. Its a great way to retrain and resteady my hand! Naptime Fun!

The Crocheted Hobo Bag!

I love this pattern. I have made four of them and the people who you give them to always love them! I always tweak the pattern in one way or another. This time I made it slightly thinner than it was called for. This one was royal blue (I used I Love This takes about 3/4 of a skein). I lined it with a soft white muslin to show off the crochet stitches and help it to maintain its shape. I wanted a pop of color so I used a limey-green ribbon. But the ribbon is interchangeable.

Here it is!

And here is a link to the lovely person that shared the pattern with the world!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nail Guides

I used nail guides for the first time today...I had to have them after reading about them on The Dainty Squid whose blog and style I love...did I mention she is adorable!? But she mentioned nail guides. They look like this...

Thank you Born Pretty! :)

For those of us that do not like to have to choose just one nailpolish color for the week and refuse to be forced to these are a dream come true. Freehand works, but this is alot cleaner looking. The Dainty Squid is a pro with them. This was my first time and I know that next time I will be looking top notch, too. Because I figured out a few things that will help me!

Next time I use Nail Guides I will...

1) Have a pair of tweezers with me to remove the stickers from my nails so that I do not ruin the tips trying to take the stickers off. 

2. Have an orangewood stick with me to press down the corners of the nail guides into the crevices on the edges of my fingernails. 

Aside from not having these items I was golden. But the edges of my nails are not as defined as I would like and the tips are a little gloppy because I used my fingertips to remove the stickers before the edges were dry. I know better than to wait for the polish to dry before removing the stickers and then applying topcoat.

Next time I will be ready!!!

The Colors:
Wet 'N Wild "Through the Grapevine"
Essence Colour & Go "Walk on Air"
Sally Hansen Insta Dri

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hungry - Protein Pumpkin Pudding

Alot of times I am hungry after dinner. Portion control will do that for you...

tonight dinner was a pork chop and carrots. The guys had au graten potatoes. So two hours later at 8:30 I am hungry and it is about protein shake time. But, I want more.

And I love pumpkin. So the following recipe has made it to my list of "regulars". I make sure to have the ingredients on-hand. It is good hot or cold. Just microwave the pumpkin for a minute or two if you want warm pudding. Which is what I had tonight.


1/3 cup of milk (any type of milk will work...we just want to dilute the protein)
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use BodyTech from Vitamin Shoppe because I am cheap)
1/2 of the big can of pumpkin
1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice
Walnuts for garnish (optional)

Whisk the milk and protein powder (I use my electric handmixer), when its smooth poor it into the warm or cold pudding, add spice and mix until it is smooth. It is heavenly and packed with protein and vitamins. Sprinkle walnuts on top if you like. 

Workwise I am working on a pattern for a lightweight newborn sized diaper soaker. Pattern to come! :)

My Mug Of Chocolate

There are many recipes for Chocolate Mugs out there. Lets face instant chocolate treat is going to be something that gets lots of attention. Here is my recipe...its a bit of a hybrid from the many I have seen online. It is a little bigger than most, too. I use a big mug. :)

Large Mug (12-16oz) with a spritz of nonstick cooking spray inside
3T whole wheat flour
3T splenda
3T cocoa powder
a splash of vanilla
1/2 t of baking powder

mix that all together with a fork.

Add 5T of milk (any kind works cow, hemp, rice, almond....) and stir until it is smooth.

Microwave for one minute, sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top and YUM!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Adopted the Most WONDERFUL Dog

This is Pickles! The newest member of our family. She is 60lbs of the most well-behaved black lab puppy that you could ever hope to meet. She is 3 years old and according to the pound we adopted from she was reported to have just wandered up to someones house. Aside from a little kennel cough she is a perfect fit! Love her!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Lazy Weekends

No new pictures. No finished projects. I feel like SUCH a bump on a log.

It was my teens' birthday weekend so I basically just ran around doing whatever he wanted...we played ALOT of video games (we are a Final Fantasy 14 family). Lots of cupcakes and BBQ and laughing.

Tomorrow is back to business though...

Happy Sunday night <3

Friday, June 8, 2012

Giddy Moment

I live for moments in Barnes and Noble, browsing while the baby naps in the stroller. *smiley sigh*

I got a coconut mocha with chocolate whipped cream...and surprisingly it made the moment even better!!!

I went with hot pink and steel grey for my nails this week. I got new nail guides for this weeks manicure in the mail yesterday...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sun Hat

I am making a pattern from CAPs Crochet and Crafts to make myself a bucket hat for the summer. I am going to make it in royal blue Impeccable yarn by Loops and Threads. I really like Impeccable is comparable to Vanna yarn but denser. Vanna is great for knitters, I hear. But, my knots tend to smoosh a bit when I use it. I still do sometimes if I fall in love with a color. Vanna has a really pretty pink.

Back to my sun hat! It took about two hours of frequently interrupted crochet time. The shells were very easy, but I opted to only do three rows. That made plenty of brim for me.

CAPs also had a great hat sizing tip. I rarely bring the math into my sizing. I tend to make a rectangle swatch, measure it and plan the number of stitches from that. But, I like her method too...

"Hat Sizing Tip: Measure around head just above eyebrows (keeping tape level) and divide that measurement by 3.1416. The result is the width your crown circle needs to be before continuing to Rnd 9. Example, head measures 22” around; 22 ÷ 3.1416 = 7.0028; Crown circle needs to be 7”. "

Thanks Cathy! It doesn't look like she has blogged for a bit, but I am adding her to my bloglovin' just in case. She created some really cute and functional patterns.

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